Monday, February 27, 2012

"All day long we are entertained by a world that hates our God and cares nothing about us except that we would continually worship them. We laugh at their comedy, we tremble at their horror, we sing to their wickedness, and we turn a blind eye to their blasphemy. But as long as we are entertained these atrocities need not matter. How dare we claim the name of Christ...and yet He calls us Beloved. Lord purge us from our idolatry. Free us from our lovers." -Tyrell Samuels
"The Blood of the Lamb. It's enough!" -Tyrell Samuels
"WHAT IS THE FUNDAMENTAL DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE CHRISTIAN RAPPER AND THE PREACHER??? The Christian rapper stands on the stage with mic in hand and announces periodically throughout his song "I am_______." The Preacher stands on the pulpit and says "I must decrease so that Christ may Increase!" It's not about your name!!! Who cares who you are??? PRESENT CHRIST!!! Sighs...the rap culture. The rapper stands on stage like he's God saying over and over and over "I AM, I AM, I AM" Blasphemy!"-Tyrell Samuels
"Woe to the day that we become so earthly minded that we are no heavenly good." Anonymous

The Immodest Church

God stands atop the world commanding to His people: "Be Holy, for I am Holy!" The essence and sheer meaning of holiness is separateness. Yet we fight hard to conform to this world. We make provisions for our flesh, we make provisions for the ungodly, we make provisions for the church, all in an effort to be relevant to the world. We read books, and we study the world's methods on how to draw a crowd. It's not hard for us to be a harlot.